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Friday, September 7, 2018


Here is an old post from before the move (I just realized that I never shared it, it was in "drafts")


Can you believe it? It's Summer! As we get closer to our proposed departure month, October, we're getting more and more excited. But, we're also constantly having to remind ourselves that we need to rest in the Father's timing and not be anxious. It would appear that there are some big, hard mountains to move (selling house/stuff, raising funds, saying goodbyes, etc...) but we know that He is good and He has good plans for us, so we trust that since He told us to go, He'll help us move those mountains :)

Daniel's mom, Adela (Mamadela), is here visiting this Summer from Peru. What a treat! The girls have been having a blast with their abuelita and, of course, we have had fun catching up. Hearing stories about family in Peru makes our hearts long to be there, so pray that we can exercise patience these next several months :)

Speaking of family....Nueva Vida Lima, our church family in Lima, is doing great and growing! They've started weekly men's and women's bible studies, children's classes on Sundays, and have had other opportunities to serve and get to know the folks in the neighborhood. We've been able to enjoy parts of their services with the live feed feature on Facebook. They're a passionate and lovely group of believers that we can't wait to do life with :)

The process for Daniel's US citizenship is moving right along. We went to Oklahoma City for his biometric appointment (finger prints and picture) and are now waiting on a letter to tell us when his big interview will be scheduled. They say it could take two months from the biometric appointment to receive the letter and that the interview will be scheduled out two months from there. So, the interview should be in September sometime. And if all goes smoothly, Daniel could be part of an oath ceremony in the beginning of October.  Please pray that the Lord's favor continues to rest upon this process and papers get passed quickly :)

We are now entering the time for serious fundraising.  The Lord has provided in many ways so far: work, selling things, generous donations. In a couple of months, we will stop working full time so we can focus solely on getting things ready to go, selling the house and cars, and fundraising.

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